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  • My Story. My Hope.
    Eve’s Covering is a work from my wounded heart. In the process of writing, however, it healed, allowing me to share my story with you. People warned me to keep my story a secret…as if I should be ashamed of it. But I can’t do that. I’ve worked through the shame, and now I’m sharing my story to help others find the courage to face adversity. God rescuing a child out of the darkness of a cult is a miraculous thing! You see, it was God who protected me in the midst of the fire, walking with me through it, bringing me out on the other side.
  • How to Create a Villain Readers Love to Hate
    Real life is just fine without any ups and downs. Who wants to repeatedly dodge pitfalls or live on the run because you are being pursued by a stalker? Silly question, I know, but books would be pretty boring without chaos. Without bad guys.
  • A Pile of Books and a Sister’s Love
    I recently stumbled across some posts I wrote when I was on my first draft of Eve’s Covering. I even created a website called A Novel Endeavor to document my writing journey. If you’re wondering why you never heard about it-it’s because I never hit the “publish” button. I guess […]
  • Book Award Results Are In!
    I hope you are enjoying a beautiful fall. I am! I found out my book won first place in the Readers’ Favorite contest! So, I’ll be off to Miami in November for the awards ceremony!!! So exciting! Check out Eve’s Covering in the Young Adult Thriller genre here: https://readersfavorite.com/book-review/eves-covering I also received […]
  • How to go from Ordinary to Extraordinary: A Well-Kept Secret
    It’s obvious that ordinary is not exciting. It’s what we say when something is run-of-the-mill or hum drum. Blah. Boring. But, when something is extraordinary, it’s more than exciting. It exceeds expectations. It’s phenomenal. The question is, how do we get out of this muddy, slow rut of the ordinary and break into the fast lane of extraordinary?

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